Crafting Brand Connectivity that Delights and Engages
Meet your market where and when they least expect to curate massive loyalty.
Your best social media post isn't your own.
People are social animals. We want to exist in community. So why do so many brands stick in their own channels?
If we were to go out and meeting our tribe where they are, our brand would be more than a business. We become a member of their ecosystem.
And shared membership is the first step in building trust.
Start having a relationship with your market, at scale.
But you still need to run a business. There is no budget for guesswork.
Enter Social Magic Lab, powered by
Instead of throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, we leverage YOUR OWN DATA to discover social engagement opportunites that matter.
Then, we simply show up when are where your audience already is, ready to party.
Your data contains the secrets to your massive market audience.
Show Up. Again. And Again. And Again.
The key to community is Engagement. With the Social Magic System, we take your brand to the audience.
Uncover connections, stories, tastemakers, & topics.
Using's powerful persona taxonomies, we uncover hidden communities within your own datasets.
Define the brand's objectives, talking points, & voice.
Create guidelines for how to craft engagements and messaging for the community within the brand's existing persona.
Engage, converse, & participate meaningfully.
Discover and activate opportunities for social action throughout the digital landscape to enrich and support our addressable market.
Available Opportunities
Your addressable market is everywhere. With over a active dozen platforms, there is an unlimited potential to expand your brand's connections.
Awareness & Engagement
As the landscape of social contunes to shift, so do the signals of affinity and trust. By becoming a part of the audience's life, we increase natural touchpoints.
ROI increase
Awareness, trust, and affinity continue to surpass features and price as primary buying factors. Nothing is more reliable than brand affinity.
The Proof is in the
(Data) Pudding
People are people but data is data. And when the data points to where people are spending their time, it reveals what they value. After that it's a matter of positioning your product between them.
What you aim at is what you shoot at.
Hungry Girl
Achieved a staggering 100% increase in ad rates on both website and email by leveraging's audience insights, which revealing a more affluent and diverse audience.
Reactivated over 300,000 dormant emails to create targeted re-engagement campaigns with tailored subject lines and hero images, resulting in an impressive 34% open rate.
Wizard Marketing
Discovered broad audience signals allowing them to leverage interest-based organic and search advertising to increase booking opportunities by over 100% and conversion rates by over 10%.
National Cosmetics
Lograron conectar con un importante segmento de la audiencia, en su mayoría hispana y muy comprometida, lo que les permitió generar un considerable aumento en la interacción y fidelidad hacia la marca.
Here is how to use YOUR OWN DATA to create meaningful, lasting impressions.
The only guaranteed way to not grow, is to do nothing. Let's fix that.
Start building real connections
Unlock your existing audience. Meet them where they live and become a part of their daily experience. Turn your brand into a best friend.
Frequently asked Questions
How do you help businesses engage with their audience?
We help businesses meet Their audience where they live. By taking the brand to the platforms and conversations where our TAM is, we create meaningful and lasting connections. That can produce, not only customers, but brand ambassadors.
How does leverage a brand's data? uses powerful persona taxonomies to uncover hidden communities within a brand's own datasets. By analyzing this data, it identifies connections, stories, tastemakers, and topics that are relevant to the brand's audience, allowing for targeted and meaningful engagement.
What are the benefits of engaging with your audience on multiple social media platforms?
Engaging with your audience on multiple platforms where they are already active allows your brand to become a part of their daily experience. This increases natural touchpoints, boosts awareness and engagement, and helps build trust and brand affinity. It also expands your brand's reach, as there are thousands of available opportunities across dozens of active platforms.
What kind of results and ROI improvements have clients seen?
Well it's difficult to predict what any single brand will get out of implementing an engagement strategy, there is a significant alignment with increasing ROI and LTV when executing these campaigns.
What is the process of Engagement Marketing?
First we need to uncover your connections using data. Then, we're going to Deep dive on your brand working to Define it so that our team always speaks like you. Social media Handles in hand, we then begin to scour the internet for opportunities to engage on your Brand's behalf. When we find one, we take it.
How can becoming part of the audience's ecosystem build trust and brand affinity?
Mittelgroßer Klartext zur Darstellung eines echten Onepage-Anwendungsfalls.
Start making real connections today.
Each day more and more users join social media. Your audience is leaving the traditional channels and looking for real relationships with their favorite brands. Are you going to show up?
Brand Strategist & Founder
Jake "The Wizard" Tlapek
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